What is full stack developer? MERN and MEAN


What is Full stack developer?

What is Full Stack developer?

-         Full Stack developers are now trending in software industry.

-         Software developer who can handle end-to-end application development.

-         Developer can manage database, server-side application, middleware, client-side tools, web server. [Full Stack Developer]

-         Front-end to Back-end.

What you will learn in Full Stack?

-         Complete front end development. [HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JS, JQ, Angular JS, React JS etc.]

-         Server-Side Technologies. [Node JS]

-         Database. [MongoDB, MySql]

-         Middleware. [Express.js]

-         Web Servers. [IIS, Tomcat]

-         Cross platform framework for Mobile apps. [Ionic],

-         Angular JS

-         React.js

What we can build by using Full Stack?

-         Web Application

-         Distributed Application

-         Mobile Native Application

Who can learn Full Stack?

-         Anyone, no technical knowledge required: Full Stack

-         Java, .NET, PHP, Python, Mobile


Full Stack developer is perfect up to: front end, server side and database.
Full Stack developer can’t handle support projects until or unless you have knowledge in Java, .NET, PHP, Python.

What is difference between Full Stack, MEAN, MERN and UI?

-         UI is all about “Front End Development”


o  CSS

o  Bootstrap

o  JavaScript

o  jQuery

o  Angular JS etc.

o  No database , middleware and server side

-         What is MEAN Stack

o  M     MongoDB         Database

o  E       Express              Middleware

o  A       Angular             Client Side

o  N      Node.js              Server Side

o  No Front end tools or language

-         What is MERN Stack

o  M     MongoDB         Database

o  E       Express              Middleware

o  R       React                  Client Side

o  N      Node.js              Server Side

o  No Front end tools or language

-         Full Stack

o  Front End 

o  Back End

Different Types of Applications we are going to learn in Full Stack

-         Web Application

-         Distributed Application

-         Mobile Native Application

What is Single Page Application [SPA] and Progressive Web Application?

-         SPA

-         In SPA user will stay on one page and get access to everything from the page.

-         User will not Navigate from one page to another.

-         In Web Applications, Distributed Applications and Mobile Native applications we are using SPA environment.

-         We will do that by using “Angular JS, React.js and Ionic” for SPA

-         PWA [Progressive Web Applications]

-         In PWA web site will have app like behaviour in browser.

-         A web site looks like an “app” not like a page.

-         We can do that by using “React.js and Ionic”

What is UI, UX?

-         Front End development

-         UI [User Interface]

-         UX [User Experience]

-         UX is part of UI.

-         Web started in early 1990’s

-         Tim Berners Lee introduced the concept of Web.

-         For Early web development UI is enough.

o  HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery etc.

-         Modern web development has several challenges

o  80% to 90% of internet users are using web from smart devices.

o  Our traditional websites are too large and can’t reach low bandwidth devices easily.

o  Client wants an

§  Unified UX

·       Our application must provide same features and functionality across any device.

§  Fluid UX

·       User will stay on one page and get access to everything.

§  Easy Extensibility

§  Simplified Deployment.

o  Solution

§  Angular JS, React.js etc.


Front-end Development

What is front-end?

-         Software applications follow tier and layer architecture.

-         Applications are built in layers.

-         Applications run in tiers.

Tier                     : run application

Layer                  : build application

-         Developers work in 3 layers

o  UI Layer

o  Business Layer

o  Database Layer

-         Application will run in tiers

o  Database Tier

o  Application Tier

o  Presentation Tier

-         Front End development is all about designing the UI.

-         In full stack we will learn building UI for 3 types of applications

o  Web Application

o  Distributed Application

o  Mobile Native Application

What we need to learn for developing UI?

-         HTML

-         CSS

-         LESS

-         SASS

-         Bootstrap

-         JavaScript

-         jQuery

-         Angular JS

-         React

-         Ionic




It is a presentation language used for preparing presentation for web, distributed and mobile.


It makes the presentation more attractive, interactive and responsive.


It is a CSS pre-processor. Make your CSS better, simplified, reusable, and compact.


It is also a CSS pre-processor. Make your CSS better, simplified, reusable, and compact.


To reduce burden on server.

It manages several interactions client-side.

Security Issues, Blocked by Browsers

JavaScript is language used client-side, server-side, database.


It is a JavaScript library.

Write less and do more.

It contains set of pre-defined functions.

Functions are build with JavaScript.

Angular JS

It is a Front-end Framework.

It can build and control the application flow.



It is a JavaScript library.

It is used with front-end framework like Cordova, Ionic, NativeScript.


More work is on UI


Framework for building cross platform mobile application with React or Angular.


Front End Web Development

-        How to Install Node JS on your computer?

-         We are installing node.js for “Package Manager”.

-         Package Manager is a software tool used to install various libraries required for your development.

-         Library like bootstrap, jQuery, Angular JS etc.

-         There are several package managers like: yarn, npm, NuGet, bower, RubyGems

-         We are installing Node JS for “npm”.

-         You can download from official node.js website


-         Install on your PC

-         Test its version from command prompt.

C:\> node -v

C:\> npm -v  [Node Package Manager]

How to Download and Install Visual Studio Code (Code Editor)?

-         It is an IDE [Integrated Development Environment]

-         It provides an environment from where you can build, debug, test and deploy applications.

-         We will use “Visual Studio Code

-         Open Source

-         Cross Platform

-         Free

-         Lot of plugin for developers

-         Microsoft

-         Java, .NET, PHP, Python etc.



Creating a Project for Front End Development:

-         Open your File Explorer

-         Create a new folder for project in any location

-         Open in Visual Studio Code

o  Go to File Menu à Open Folder à C:\FullStackWeb

-         Your project is ready to use HTML, CSS and JavaScript.


How to install library for various languages and technologies?

-         HTML, CSS, JavaScript doesn’t require any library to install on your PC.

-         You can start developing directly. Every OS have support for HTML, CSS and JavaScript if it is installed with any browser like: IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge etc.

-         Package Manager is required for various libraries like jQuery, Angular JS, React etc.

-         Open “Terminal” in Visual Studio Code

o  Terminal Menu -> New Terminal [Ctrl + `]

C:\FullStackWeb> npm install packageName
C:\FullStackWeb> npm install jquery/bootstrap/angular/mongodb


Web Application

-         What is a network?

o  It is a group of computers connecting with each other for sharing of information and resources.

o  ARPANET [Advanced Research Projects Agency Network] is the first computer network introduced in 1960’s by US-DOD.

-         What are types of networks?

o  LAN

o  MAN

o  WAN

-         What is internet?

o  It is a Wide Area Network connecting computers across the globe.

o  International Network

-         What is Web?

o  1990’s “Tim Berners Lee” introduced “Web”.

o  Web is a portion of Internet with restricted access.

-         Who maintains the standards of Web?

o  W3C


-         Web Terminology


Web Server

-         Web server resembles both software and hardware.

-         It is responsible for managing requests from client and send a customized response to every client request.

-         Web Server is the location where we host our website and application, we debug, we test, and deploy.

-         The popular web server tools you can use on your computer

o  Apache tomcat

o  IIS [Internet Information Services]


o  Node.js

o  Lighttpd etc.


Windows OS – Internet Information Services Manager [IIS] Web Server

-         Look for IIS on your Windows PC

o  Open windows control panel

o  Switch to “Large Icons”

o  Go to “Administrative Tools”

o  Look for IIS [Internet Information Services Manager]

-         You can add IIS to your windows PC

o  Open Control Panel

o  Go to “Programs and Features”

o  Click on “Turn Windows Features ON or OFF”

o  Select “Internet Information Services” from list

o  Click OK

-         Test the webserver

o  Open any browser: Chrome, IE, Edge etc.

o  Type the following URL in address bar

-         Setup Live Server [local] from your Visual Studio Code

o  Open VS Code

o  Go to “Extensions”

o  Search for “Live Server”

o  Install for your VS Code.


Web Site

-         Web site is a virtual directory on Web Server.

-         Site refers to location on server.

-         Location on any computing device is actually Drive and directory reference.

Creating a new Website Locally:

-         Open your web server “IIS” [Run-> inetmgr]

-         Expand “local computer”

-         Expand “Sites” folder

-         Right Click on “Default Website”

-         Select “Add Virtual Directory” [Adding a website]

-         http://localhost/fullstackweb

-         Go to physical path

-         Add “Images” folder

-         Keep any image in folder

-         Now try access from browser



\  - back slash – for physical path

/  - forward slash – for virtual path


Web Page

-         It is a hypertext document that provides an UI for your website, so that users can interact with the resources in website.

-         The term “hyper” refers to a Greek term, which means “beyond”.

-         Hypertext document is a special type of document used in network for presentation.

-         It comprises of content to display and also the content beyond the display.

-         The UI for website is designed by using Web Pages.

-         The web pages are classified into 2 types

o  Static Page

o  Dynamic Page

Static web page:

-         The term static refers to static memory.

-         Static is continuous memory. [Connected in access]

-         Memory allocated for first request will continue for other requests.

-         Static occupies more memory.

-         Static Page contains same information to display across multiple requests.

-         Static Page have the extension

o  .htm

o  .html

Dynamic web page:

-         The term dynamic refers to dynamic memory or non-static memory.

-         Dynamic is discrete memory. [Disconnected in access]

-         Memory is newly allocated for every request.

-         Save the memory.

-         Dynamic page contains same content to display initially for every request but it can change and customize the response according to the request.

-         It generates a response customized for every client request.

-         Dynamic page has extension

o  .jsp

o  .php

o  .asp

o  .aspx etc

-         To design UI for static and dynamic page you need HTML.


What is difference between a Website and Web Application?

-         Website comprises all static content.

-         Web Application comprises of both static and dynamic content.


What is a blog?

-        Web-log [Blog]

-        Blogs are like journals on internet.

-        Blogging is Free

Ex: blogger.com

-        Video Logs are trending [Vlog] 

Ex: YouTube Channels are Vlog [Blog]

What is a Wiki?

-        The term Wiki mean “Quick”

-        Wiki allows any user to edit its content.


WikiPedi [Quick Reference for Encyclopaedia]


Google Maps


What is Podcasting?

-         Podcasting allows to upload media (Audio/Video) content on to server and broad cast onto any device connected in network.

Ex: YouTube, iTunes, Windows Media Player


What is Widget?

-        It is gadget for your website or application.

-        It is an application running in your site or application.

-        jQuery is very popular for designing widgets.


     I hope You got your answers. So remember us, and visit our website regularly for more answers.

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